Transistor working
Transistor working In this article we will discuss about the transistor working . we discuss about types of transistor and their working. we learn about biasing of transistor. Transistor working A transistor is a semiconductor device. Which is used to amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power? It accepts small electrical signal either in the form of current or voltages at the input and then amplifies and provide a large amplified signal. The name transistor is derived from transfer resistor. This tem best describes the operation of a transistor-transfer of an input signal current from a low resistance circuit to a high resistance circuit. Bipolar junction transistor working (BJT) It is a three terminal device made up of silicon or germanium. The word bipolar indicates that both electron transport and hole transport take place in such a device. Construction of (BJT) transistor working This transistor (working) is formed by combination of two j...